3 sessions will receive a $25 discount
• The season will be broken down into 3 sessions. Each session will last for 3 weeks with 5 guaranteed games. The team price for each session is $400. Teams who register for the 3 sessions will receive a $25 discount. The 3rd session will be set up in a tournament format. To register https://www.bbnbasketball.com/product/winter-league-team-registration/
- Games will be played on Friday, Saturday or Sundays
- Session 1 Start Date: January 15,16,17, 2021
- Session 2 Start Date: February 12, 13,14, 2021
- Session 3 Start Date: March 5,6,7, 2021
* Winter League Team registration deadline: January 11, 2021
Shelley McAtee –
Love BBN Basketball